Boys will have a fun time singing and making new friends. Come find out how much fun you can have singing together! Summer Singing Camp is designed for musical boys aged 7 1/2 to 13, with unchanged voices.
To register, enroll online here: Boys' Singing Camp 2024 Registration
Registration fee is $150 for morning only/$325 for full day
Pay online Cash.me/$BoychoirA2 (debit cards) OR PayPal.me/BoychoirA2 (credit cards)
Mail check to:
Boychoir of Ann Arbor
1100 North Main Street #117
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Call, text, or email for more information.
Need-based scholarships always available. We welcome all boys who would like to sing.
Questions? email office(at)a2boychoir.org or call (734) 663-5377