Are you a boy who likes to sing? Do you know a boy who likes to sing?
Join the Boychoir! Come sing with us!

Ongoing Open Auditions
Auditions may be scheduled by appointment at any time.
E-mail: office(at)
Phone: 734.663.5377
Call us to schedule yours today!
The audition is informal; no preparation is required or expected. Choristers are assessed for ability to match pitch, sing a simple tune and copy a rhythm. Parents are welcome to observe. The audition takes only a few minutes.
Parents and prospective choristers are always welcome to visit a rehearsal. Call or email today!
1100 N. Main St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104  Phone: 734.663.5377  
The Boychoir of Ann Arbor is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

© 2002-2024  The Boychoir of Ann Arbor